Thursday, April 24, 2008

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors

First of all, thank goodness everything we've gone to the doctors first is minor. But I still feel like we're getting to know them all on a first name basis.

I'll start with M. She had her 4-month well-baby checkup this week. She's great. 14 lbs 10 oz (50-75th percentile) and 26 inches (90th percentile). She's 4 pounds less than her brother at this age. She's developmentally great and can start cereal whenever I want her to - which will probably be next week.

Then, there's T. Boy, does that child like his medicine. On top of his allergies, he got a cold, with a lowgrade temp for a couple of days. I took him back to the doctor today because he was messing with his ears. But, no ear infection, thank goodness. Just more allergy meds.

My back's been killing me since I was pregnant with M (well, before that, but definitely since last spring). I finally went to my primary care about it and she sent me for an MRI, put me on a muscle relaxer, and sent me for physical therapy. The MRI results came back normal today. Well, there are signs of "early degenerative arthritis of the spine." That's going to suck in 20-30 years, but there's not much I can do about it now. The PT gave me some exercises to do and I'm going back twice a week for the next two weeks.

While I was at it, I had another CAT Scan of my sinuses. Also clear. I'm following up with an ENT in June, which was the earliest I could get an appointment (which is silly, but that's another post).

Tom had a physical too. We're waiting on the bloodwork results.

Pictures soon to come - Mia's christening is this weekend - lots of grandparents in town!

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