Thursday, March 27, 2008

But I like to hop...

On top of Pop. Hop on Pop. That's our latest book obsession (when I said I was going to talk books, I bet you didn't think they'd be Dr. Seuss books, did you?).
I think Dr. Seuss was a sadist. Really. I never realized how hard these books are to read. T laughs at me when I mess up too.
So, now he really wants One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. I'm not sure how he knows about this book - daycare maybe. He keeps asking for "Red Fish, Blue Fish!".
Finally, we went on Amazon and ordered it today - along with Green Eggs and Ham and few other books to round out our free shipping. He thought he was going to get it NOW. I explained to him that the mailman was going to bring it and it would take a few days.
About a second later, lo and behold, the doorbell rang. He screamed "MAILMAN! RED FISH BLUE FISH!!!" Turns out, it was FedEx and it was some adorable bathing suits I had ordered for M.
Poor T. If only everything could be that instantaneous.

Testing...Posting a picture

I think T fits better in the Bumbo now than he did 2 years ago!!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Better Late Than Never

I fully admit to falling way behind the technology bandwagon, but I've been curious about starting a blog for a long time. Then, I start thinking - "Gee, what do I have to write that anyone would be interested in?"

Basically, it all falls into one category. The kids. At the very least, the grandparents would love to read about them, right? T is 2 1/2 years old. M is 3 months old. They're great. What else can I say? But, I decided that this is a great place to showcase them and share photos - I'm tired of posting to dropshots. Now I can label them and everything - even include funny stories when appropriate. Of course, I don't have any pictures on this computer, so I'll some more later when I this blogging thing figured out.

I also think I'm going to mix some foodie posts in with life from our family. Tom has always wanted to do restuarant reviews, so maybe he might add some insight. Unfortunately, I think our days of eating at fine dining establishments may be behind us for awhile, so look forward to some reviews of kid-friendly places that are still tolerable for their parents. I'll post about food that I make too. Somehow, on several days of the week, I still find the time to get a fairly decent dinner together. I guess I cooking is one of my hobbies, so I work hard to make some interesting dinners.

So is reading, now that I think about it. Book reviews. I can do that too. When I find the time to read, I'm a voracious reader. To be honest, I make the time to read. I couldn't do without it.

Kids. Food. Books. I guess that's not so bad.